(post 12) Final Props

  • In this post I will be keeping a record of the finalised list of props
  • that I am intending to use for my short film idea.

sketches/ art of mythical creatures etc for the boys room to show that he has a sense of imagination and to give an insight into 
his mind for the viewer, since there is no dialogue or character development this will act as a narrative device to teach us what we need to know. I will obtain these props by creating them myself since I enjoy art and this aspect of the character's personality and interests was inspired by my own.

Mask for the killer: As the twist at the end of this film is the fact that
the person hunting down the boy is actually also him I needed something
to conceal his face at first. I settled with a skeleton mask as imagery and
meaning behind skeletons is something that interests me greatly and that
I have explored previously in my art. A skeleton is assumed to symbolise
death however in Korean folktales it is quite the opposite, a skeleton represents
the realisation that you can be freed from fear of death by recognising it as the
opposite of life and a reminder of the subjectivity of reality rather than an
a means to escape. I certainly do not expect viewers of my short film to understand
this however I personally find these small details and hidden meanings to be the
reason that I enjoy film. Conveniently, I already own this prop as I used it in a
previous short film.

The rest of the props I will be using are not going to be listed here as the only things
I need are basic bedroom items and a sketchpad, all of which I currently own.


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