(post 9) Final Setting

The campsite: Fortunately, I am family friends with the owners of a campsite called puddledock camping and caravan park. I planned out the character's home in my film around this fact as they are happy to let me use the site for outdoor filming. The site is located in the woods which I feel creates the perfect creepy and dismal environment I am hoping to achieve. There are also a small group of static homes which I will be using as the exterior of the character's home.

The alternate reality:
 These shots will be filmed in a series of different naturalistic and seemingly untouched locations around my local area.

The bedroom: For this aspect of the film I will be using my spare bedroom/study. Using a room in my house is integral as I can modify it however I want in terms of mise en scene and aesthetics. It is also pretty much a blank canvas. I have sketched out the props that I want to add to this room , these are all things I already own keeping the production costs low. I want the focus with this room to be the sketches on the walls so that the viewer can quickly learn more about this character and understand that he has a vivid imagination and wants to escape his current life.



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